Checklists with Superpowers

Get the right things done, by the right people, in the right order, and at the right time.

Most of us humans forget things and make mistakes Checklists can help fix that.

Simplify the way you
work using checklists

The easiest way to create & manage team tasks, checklists,
business processes, and workflow in one place...

achieve more using checklists

Get Things Done, Everytime.

Checklists are important because they help ensure that all necessary tasks are completed and nothing is forgotten.

They also help standardise processes and can improve efficiency and consistency.

Additionally, checklists can help prevent errors and improve safety in certain fields such as aviation and healthcare.

checkify checklists

How it works

Every business is made up of processes and tasks.
Managing these can be difficult

Tasks, Checklists, or Processes

Checkify a simple and easy way to manage checklists, tasks, and processes all in one place.

Enabling tasks and processes to run smoothly, and consistently and reduce mistakes.

Increase productivity while guaranteeing things get done how you want every time!

Track Tasks

Manage workflow and track tasks to know who's doing what, when, and where they are in the process.

Know what the most important tasks are and tackle them first. Follow tasks, comment on tasks, and assign dates and people

Track what is happening at any time!


Automation tasks using bots give checklists superpowers to make tasks happen without anyone even touching a single button.

Follow and get updates about the task progress.

Create smart, automated checklists to manage workflow and reduce errors.

Team Collaboration

A collaborative space of business knowledge, best practices and know-how to guide team members in how to complete tasks perfectly every single time.

More organized, the easier it is to collaborate with your team.

achieve more using checklists

Empower Your Team

Checklists guide your team to get things done perfectly every time


One-off tasks, recurring tasks and tasks for others.


Manage tasks, assign, schedule and mange workflow.


Know who is doing what and where it is at anytime.


How long has a task taken, identify how it could be improved.

Collaborate on Business Processes and Tasks

Checklists define what needs doing and how. Enables you to focus on priority tasks and avoid human error.

Create Business Processes

Quickly create structured documentation as a master checklist in seconds.

Real Time Notifcations

Never miss important tasks or deadlines and get live information on completed processes.

Track Task Activity

Keep track of all the changes made to a task in a chronological order.

Team Collaborate

Assign steps to individuals, multiple team members or groups.

Reoccuring Tasks and Process

Manually run or schedule checklists whenever required.

Create smart, automated checklists to manage workflow and reduce errors.

Simplify the process to create, share, track, and complete tasks.

Checklist Productivity

where simplicity meets productivity


Automate recurring tasks without lifting a finger.
browse automation


Create checklists to document processes.
browse checklist


Working as a Team know who is doing what and when
browse collaboration

Process Management

Manage and improve business processes.
browse BPM


Increase Productivit and get more done.
browse productivity

Task Management

Manage, assign and track tasks.
browse task management

To-do List

Manage your day-to-day tasks.
browse to-do list


Sequence of processes and tasks,
browse workflow
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