
Happiness Equals Productive Team

2 Min Read
Happiness Equals Productive Team

Happiness equals a more productive team. There has never been such strong evidence in research that points to better results for business if the staff are happy. Whilst it is clearly much better for workers analysis suggests it is also beneficial for employers.

Happiness equates to more productivity within work time.

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Does “happiness” make more productive?

There has been a link made between human happiness and human productivity in the University of Warwick’s ‘Happiness and Productivity. A team of economists led by Andrew Oswald leading authority on the relationship between economics and mental health research has suggested a clear link between workers’ cheerfulness and their productivity.

Happiness makes people 12% more productive. Bad events can be associated with low performance and the effect is large; greater than 10%. Suggesting we work more effectively, more creatively, and collaboratively with other team members when we have a happy work life.

Google invest in employee whole of life contentment and satisfaction and have seen an improvement of 37% so making their workers happier has really paid off.

The vast majority of people don’t enjoy their work with only 13% of Employees Are Engaged at Work. leaving the vast majority who do not enjoy work!

Oxford University Research

Research by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School, in collaboration with BT the telecom company, has concluded that there is a link between happiness and productivity.

Oxford University study on happiness and productivity found that workers are 13% more productive when happy

Ultimate Productivity Booster

Striving to make a workplace more emotionally healthy can make the business more productive. In other words, relationships, mental health and mindfulness matter within the workplace.

The NHS the health provider in the United Kingdom has started to incorporate mindfulness within the day for doctors and nurses. They created a going home checklist to make you think about your working day.

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