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KonMari Method Checklist

2 Min Read
KonMari Method Checklist

KonMari Method is decluttering with a minimalism-inspired approach to tackling tidying your home.

Committing yourself to tidy up by going through your entire house, category by category rather than room-by-room.

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The key question you need to ask yourself while decluttering is “Does it spark joy?”  This is a phrase commonly heard while watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. If it does not spark joy get rid of it.

“Keep things because you love them – not just because”

Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo is the author of the bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

KonMari Method Checklist

Tackling tidying your home
Tidy All At Once

Tidying a bit at a time never works.


Visualise your destination and your ideal lifestyle.


Tidy by category, not location. Sort everything into categories and subcategories and make piles.




Komono – Miscellaneous

Sentimental – Memories

Sparks Joy

Determine if the item “sparks joy” by holding it and asking the question.

Don’t focus solely on throwing things away, but what brings unhappiness, be sure to cherish what you love.

Give Thanks

Thank each item as you discard it.


Tidy every item in the right order.

Tidy by category, not location.

A Place

Find a permanent place for everything.

Discard First

Don’t put anything away until everything you that is going to be discarded has been removed.

Want to know more about Marie Kondo and what methodology she based her Konmari method around? It is based around the business manufacturing method 5S.

Marie Kondo – 5S The Powerful Methodology Behind KonMari

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