Write For Us

Join our community of writers and share your expertise with a global audience,
while gaining exposure and building your portfolio.


Why write For Us

We are a company that's primary aim is to provide our visitors with high-quality, relevant, and useful information that provides them value.

We strongly believe that formulating great content is the key to success by opening numerous marketing opportunities for everyone.

We know how important our visitors are so we’re willing to do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy. They want to read interesting, compelling, relevant, and quality blog posts that share insightful tips and tricks, checklists on how to work better, and more efficiently, and how technology and processes can benefit their businesses.

If you would like to contribute and write for us, please read these guidelines carefully.

What Content are we Looking For?

We have a number of rules to make an article acceptable. Technical details:

Write For Checkify

Interesting Subject

To write for us the content must be original and trigger interest for our visitors as this is our main focus.

Minimum length

We require articles to be 1500/ 2000 words.


It will require to pass a Plagiarism check to guarantee it is unique.

AI Dectector

It will be required to pas an AI dectection Tool.


All facts must be linked to the evidence. Links must be proper and credible sources who have a authority in the subject.


Page links: A maximum of two (2) no-follow links to your own brand/blog/ product pages.

Links can not to sights that might be offensive to our visitors,


Backlinks work both ways. We would also require a link from your website to our own with relative anchor text.

No affiliate sites

We do not accept posts from sites that are solely affiliate sites

Write for Us - Checkify Process

We have a three-step process to write for us designed to help you create content that will benefit everyone.

Write for Us Process

The three-step process to writing for Checkify

The first step before you even start writing is to email writeforus@wp.checkify.com us to pitch your idea. Include a topic idea, a brief outline and ideas for what your post with include.

The first step once the topic is accepted is to write a table of contents. This helps make it clear to both you and us what the central idea and the flow of the post will be.

NOTE: Guest blogging is about creating links we totally understand that. We do however reserve the right to reject a submission if the content is JUST to get the link, and doesn't offer any value to our readers.


Submit your article using Google Docs. Remember to create your own BIO of about 30 words to submit at the same time.

We will check that what is submitted is the same as the table of contents for the article. The article will be checked for uniqueness with a plagiarism checker.

TIPS: Unique, original, and useful content using a storytelling technique. It must not be duplicate content published on a website already or plagiarised in any way. Quotes or references credits to the original author must be included. Use grammar and spell checker to make it perfect. It must also pass AI content detection tool.


This can take up to 10 days to go through or editorial process.

During this stage of the process, we reserve the right to edit content for clarity and readability. Also, we can add or remove both internal and external links to add value for our visitors.

We look forward to hearing from you, even more, excited to read your ideas for a guest post, and work together to publish great content on Checkify blog!

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