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Pandemic Checklist

4 Min Read
Pandemic Checklist

Pandemic is a global health epidemic of a disease spreading across the globe. There are two steps before you reach the declaration of a pandemic.

Starting with an “outbreak” in which confirmed cases are contained in a small geographic region.

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If it spreads beyond the original small area of the outbreak then it becomes an epidemic.

According to WHO Pandemics are epidemics that cross international boundaries and affect large numbers of people throughout the world.

The word itself is used carefully so as not to amplify unnecessary fear and panic.

Hand washing is the most important measure for reducing the transmission of many germs.

Limiting the spread of viruses and germs is key to holding the spread.

Pandemic Checklist

Limiting the spread of viruses and germs is key
Wash Hands

Soap and water with paper towels to be disposed of.

Alcohol hand sanitizer

Cover Mouth and Nose

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

Cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose or in the crook of your elbow rather than hands.

Stay Home

Stay away from others to slow the spread.

Stay home from work and school

Surgical Masks / Respirators

Prevent exposure

Regular Cleaning

Disinfectants to clean surfaces

Food and Water

Have at least a week supply of food like tinned / canned foods

Bottled water


Keep supplies non prescription medications like pain relief, cold remedies, stomach medicine, and rehydration tablets.

Prescription medication get extra supply of your regular drugs.

Emergency Supplies

Prepare for outages in electricity so have a torch and spare batteries.

Tissues, toilet paper but also don’t forget pet food.

Current Health Situations

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General  said that we’re on the precipice of a pandemic.

As yet they have stopped short of describing COVID-19 coronavirus as a pandemic, but likely to be just a matter of time.

Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

Norovirus is another fast-spreading virus that can make people very sick.

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