Managing workflow and repetitive business processes can be tedious, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
How do you manage workflow? Do you use spreadsheets, printout word documents or even memory to try to keep your business tasks whether daily, weekly or monthly on track? Do you worry that your processes are not performed the same way by everyone, every time and ensuring consistency is maintained?
In today’s fast-paced business world, it can be difficult to keep track of all of the different things you need to do in order to stay ahead of the game. If you find yourself juggling multiple tasks with clients and colleagues, day after day, how do you manage your workflow and avoid unnecessary stress?
If we told you there was a simple way to automate workflow, track and manage repeating workflows and business processes by using the old fashioned method that we have all used throughout life… a checklist!
Now, I bet when you think of a checklist you think of a piece of paper numbers from top to bottom in order of priority and a pen to tick off when completed. You then think, easily lost, non-trackable, difficult to keep up to date, hard to allocate to others and share your vision of how you want things to work.
We can’t tell you how many times we have needed to execute a task over and over, but let’s just say that we often need to repeat similar tasks at various points in the day, weeks and months. Every day is made up of numerous tasks to complete, so how do you manage workflow, how do you track what really needs doing? One way to tackle this issue is through the use of checklists – something that everyone has used at some point in their life, but that most don’t think about using for important business tasks.
Did you know that using to do lists and checklists to manage workflow can drastically improve performance and efficiency? By utilizing simple processes like lists and checklists, you can keep track of various business procedures without having to jump back and forth from one task to another.
Most of us have all been taught how to use a checklist when we were young, whether it was while travelling, at school or even at home. A simple checklist is easy to follow and can be very useful in managing workflow, particularly if you are responsible for ensuring that you complete all tasks before moving on to your next task. Many successful businesses use some form of checklist process to ensure that they don’t miss anything important.
We all know what it’s like to deal with routine, everyday tasks. With daily work responsibilities and errands to run around town, there just isn’t enough time in your day to fit everything in. And that can be frustrating when you think about how much of your time is wasted on mundane, repetitive tasks that you could automate using a simple checklist.
How can we help? Well, we have a checklist for the 21st century that can help you solve the problem of how to make it easy to manage workflow, your repeating workflows and business processes with built-in team communication using the value of a checklist.
Specify a workflow checklist, manage task allocation and track team progress.
Never worry about forgetting things again manage workflow and business processes with an online checklist that defines your standard operating procedures (SOP). Accessibility from anywhere in the World!
Workflow refers to the flow of tasks. When you have to complete a series of activities to accomplish certain goals, and that is workflow. Repeatability is the defining factor of this concept. When you only do one unique thing to reach an objective, it doesn’t qualify.
Workflow management is a way of creating and ultimately optimizing workflows to boost a team’s efficiency and coordination. It plays a crucial part in any organization and the optimization of its projects.
Read More: What is Workflow Management?
Processes are top of the chain, whether as workflows are smaller parts of a process.
Workflows are small parts of a process so need a process to exist.
Processes don’t need workflows to exist
Processes naturally occur within a business, whereas workflows require more planning.
Read More: What is the difference between processes and workflow?
Workflow automation aims to simplify these tasks. Through technology and specific tools, a company can reduce the time and effort required to complete these processes. A business has to identify the areas that require automation, and then settle on the right applications to use.
Read More: What is Workflow Automation? Its Place in Business Processes