Serverless Security Checklist

2 Min Read
Serverless Security Checklist

Serverless Security. Developed a Serverless application but have you thought about how you are going to secure it?

Serverless application Security Vulnerability Checklist shows that serverless applications require a slightly different security approach than traditional ones.

Serverless architecture reduces the security burden of the developer and doesn’t negate it totally.

Remember to apply general good coding practices, regardless of whether using traditional servers or serverless architectures. Writing clean code, storing secrets safely, using input validation and error handling are all universal good coding practices that help to protect from security vulnerabilities.

This checklist guide to protecting the application and helps you identify possible security risks.

Securing server application is essential whether it is serverless or traditional.

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Serverless Security Checklist

Slightly different security approach.
Denial of service attacks (DoS / DDos)

Efficient code using timeouts and throttling.

Denial of Service attacks on serverless architectures can cause financial and resource unavailability disasters.

Business Logic Manipulation

Using flaw in programming between the exchange of information of the user interface and the database.

Resource abuse

Minimum Privileges – Don’t set a single permission level for a whole service which includes loads of functions.

Data injection

Install Firewall

Event injection input validation and predefined database layer logic.

Insecure authentication

Built-in authentication solutions and avoiding dangerous deployment setting.

Insecure storage

Encrypt your application secrets.

Insecure Deployment Settings

Keep files encrypted.

Vulnerable Third-Party API

Tool Integration

Insufficient logging and Monitoring

Establish effective monitoring and alerting.

Log sufficient user context to identify suspicious or malicious accounts.

Error Handling

Write unit tests.

Exception Handling

Log stack traces to console or dedicated log.

Never send stack traces back to the end user.

Lambda Architecture uses scalable and fault-tolerant real time data processing with low latency for massive big data.

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