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Hurricane Checklist: Vital Items for Hurricane Survival

4 Min Read
Hurricane Checklist: Vital Items for Hurricane Survival

Hurricane season has arrived but no need to panic at the mention of the word, instead be smart and plan for just in case. 

Preparing for storms, what is considered vital items for hurricane preparation? Hurricanes can cause havoc by knocking out power, blocking roads,  and causing stores and pharmacies to close. 

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Create a household evacuation plan that includes your pets. Be prepared for quick evacuation and know your route (map if needed), destination, and where your local emergency shelter is. Make sure the car is filled with gas, in case an evacuation notice is issued.

Babies need bottles, formula, diapers/nappies and baby food.

Don’t forget to plan for your pets like food, collars, lead /leash, carrier and bowls.

Listen to local radio, NOAA radio or watch TV for up to date information and updates.

Create a hurricane preparedness checklist to help make the whole experience less stressful.

Hurricane Checklist: Vital Items for Hurricane Survival

Preparing for storms, what is considered vital items for hurricane preparation?

One gallon (3.7 litres) per person, per day

Your body depends on water to survive every cell, tissue and organ needs water to function properly. We lose water every day through breathing, perspiration, and going to the toilet.

Non-Perishable Food

Food that can be stored for long periods of time without the need for refrigeration.

Simple easy to prepare. Canned foods, pasta, dried fruit, long shelf life food, dried foods and dehydrated foods.

Flashlights / Torches

Wind up torches, head torches, Solar Powered Rechargeable and emergency signalling.

Extra batteries if required.

Do NOT use candles if any chance of damage to gas, they also burn up the oxygen so can make it difficult to breathe.

First Aid Kit

First aid kit to treat basic first aid needs like cuts, grazes

Pain killers, Insect repellent, dust mask and emergency blanket.

Make sure you have medications and medical items (hearing aids, glasses, contact lenses, syringes) that might be needed for up to 7 days.

Make a medication list and document medical information.

Multi-purpose Tool and Emergency Equipment

Swiss Army Knife is great in emergency and survival situations. Make sure it includes a can/tin opener to open food.

Emergency equipment can include whistle, face mask, rain protection, towels, clothes, sleeping bags, gloves, duct tape, scissors, matches, and emergency shelter.

Phone and Charger

Charge phones continuously while the power is on.

Laptop batteries can be used to charge your phone using a USB port so keep them fully charged for additional power.

Sanitation & Personal Hygiene Items

Water purification tablets and sterilising disinfectant.

Toilet bags, hand sanitiser, toilet wipes & paper, body wash andantibacterial wipes.

Personal Documents

Copies of important documents like medical information, proof of address, deed/lease, passports, birth certificates and insurance policies.

Consider uploading to a cloud-based service as additional backup or having a flash drive that you can carry with you.

Store in a sealable plastic bags or waterproof containers.

Financially Prepared

Have cash with you as ATMs and banks may be inaccessible due to loss of electricity, or flooding.

Have a credit card designated as an emergency only card


Games and activities for entertainment and keep children busy.

Radio Station and Communication

NOAA: Weather Radio broadcasting continuous weather information.

Battery-powered (plus spare batteries) or hand-cranked.

Download NOAA Radio App but remember the mobile network maybe affected.

Two-way radios for communication.

Then adding the current situation with novel coronavirus to hurricane season is only going to make the whole situation even worse so everyone needs to be encouraged to be very prepared.  It is crucial to take precautions to prepare for this more challenging situation.

Vital Items for Hurricane Checklist


Hurricane, Typhoon, and Cyclone Seasons Around the World

Hurricanes, typhoons, and Cyclones are the same type of storm – the name varies based on the geographic location of where they occur.

  • North Atlantic Ocean & Northeast Pacific: Hurricane – Season 1st June to 30th November
  • Northwest Pacific Ocean: Typhoon – Season May to October
  • South Pacific & Indian Ocean: Cyclone – Season November and April.

A storm can form in one place and once it crosses the International Date Line, its name will change.

Hurricanes are categorised using the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

Hurricane, Cyclone, Typhoon Areas

Northern Hemisphere – Hurricanes

Hurricane term used for tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere running from the Greenwich Meridian to the International Date Line.

Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season: June 1st -30th Nov
Includes the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, Bermuda, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Can reach western Europe.

Northwest Pacific / Western Pacific: All year but main May and October
Includes China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam, plus  Oceania islands. 

Northeast Pacific / Eastern Pacific: May 15th – Nov 30th
Including Hawaii,  western Mexico

Southern Hemisphere – Cyclones

Typhoons term used for tropical cyclones that occur in the Pacific, north of the equator running west of the International Date Line.

South Pacific: Jan – March
Includes French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Australia, New Zealand

Southwest Indian: 15th November to 30th April

South Atlantic Ocean: Rare

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