
Best Productivity Books

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Best Productivity Books

Productivity books can help you learn how to be more productive in your personal life and work life.

Reading about productivity can inspire you to create an atmosphere that lets you do more.

Learn how to avoid procrastination and develop skills that will make you more productive.

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Productivity Books

Getting Things Done

By David Allen

Getting Things Done GTD method for time management and increased productivity.

Get things out of your head and clear space by documenting them externally rather than trying to remember things. Clear your mind, reduce stress, and give focus and clarity on task management.

Eat That Frog

By Brian Tracy

Eat the frog focuses on tackling your most challenging task first thing in the day. The rest of the day should get easier.

Avoid procrastination and get more done in less time.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

By Stephen Covey

7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a guide to help you understand how to create productive habits.

Deep Work

By Cal Newport

Deep work is about directed focus in a distracting World.

In the distracting environment of things like social media, it is nearly impossible to concentrate on anything.

Zen to Done (ZTD)

By Leo Babauta

Zen to Done (ZTD) 10 habits that will help you to get organised, and get more things done in a focused, simple, stress-free manner.

Pomodoro Technique

By Francesco Cirillo

Pomodoro Technique is a time management methodology created using a tomato-shaped timer by Francesco Cirillo


The E-Myth how to plan a successful business and achieve your goals.

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