Time Management Methodologies

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Time Management Methodologies

Time Management Methodologies enables people to complete more in a shorter period of time. Using the process of planning and allocating how much time is required for each specific task. 

Time management is one thing of the biggest struggles we have in our work lives. Good business management and leadership depend on the ability to manage time effectively. 

Balancing a busy work life requires planning and efficiency. Luckily, there are several methodologies that can help you manage your time effectively.

The following methods will help you manage your time more efficiently. Task Planning is a very effective method for planning how to allocate your time. It provides you with the time you need to do the most important tasks in your life. Time management is essential if you want to achieve the results you want in your work and life.

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Which Time Management Methodology to use?

which time management method technique to use within your business.

There are many time management tips, techniques and methods that you can use to manage your time effectively. The best way to do this is to get a feel for what works best for you, as it is important to understand the way in which you work before you can try and change. The most effective time management techniques are those that suit your style of working.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s where you focus on a task for 25mins uninterrupted followed by a short 2 minute break.

What Is The Pomodoro Technique? The Pomodoro Technique is a method of focusing and working for a specified amount of time before taking a short break. It is based on the premise that we can all improve our productivity if we are focused and dedicated our focus to one task. It was originally developed by Francesco Cirillo, a professor at the University of Bologna in Italy. He originally came up with the idea while working as a teaching assistant.

His students often would struggle to concentrate for long periods of time, and he wanted to find a way to help them. The Pomodoro Technique involves using a timer that will count down from 25 minutes. You start your work when you hear the timer go off and then take a 5-minute break. The 25 minute period is called a Pomodoro (from Italian for tomato). This period of time is meant to be focused on the task at hand and not distracted by other things. After this time has elapsed, you take a 5-minute break. This helps you refocus and return to the task at hand.

Time Boxing / Time Blocking

Time blocking is allocating a limit to work hours set a time frame and do not overextend yourself.

Time boxing is the idea that you should alot a certain amount of time on each task or project and a core part of Agile principles. Its about focusing on time instead of individual tasks.

It is common practice to allow a certain number of hours per week or day. This way you can manage your time better and do what you have to do without getting overwhelmed. There are many advantages to using time blocking, here are some:

Save time on projects. By setting aside a certain amount of time to complete a project you will get it done more quickly. By using time blocking, you can focus on the task at hand and not get distracted. Focus on a specific task. The time box gives you the opportunity to focus on a single project. You can work on one task for a long time or finish it off quickly if you need to. Be more productive.

Ultradian and Circadian  rhythm

The human body tends to move through 90-120 minute cycle where you get a period of significant energy and alertness followed by a period of fatigue. This is sometimes called “The Body Clock”.  Identifying when your body needs to rest during the day, and making sure you get that needed rest.

Plan to do complicated process tasks in your alert time followed by simple tasks in the fatigue stage.

Write a diary of your highs and lows so you can work out your own rhythm. Then use this to manage time and increase productivity

Ultradian Rhythm means “many times a day.”
Circadian rhythm means “around” 

Getting Things Done GTD

Getting Things Done (GTD)is a methodology by David Allen devised to help organise and manage time.

5 Steps process to GTD

  • Collect – Find scraps of paper and receipts and write tasks down
  • Process – Regularly review tasks, Work through in the order they appear and decide if you complete the task? Or whether you can you delegate.
  • Organise – Add tasks to a checklist to keep things organised
  • Review – Review your checklists as often as you need to in order to keep your mind clear.
  • Do – finish your tasks as they arise

Domino Reaction

Domino reaction by Amit Offir covered in his book “24/8 – The Secret for Being Mega-Effective by Achieving More in Less Time”

18 Minutes Technique

18 Minutes technique by Peter Bregman in his book “Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done.”

In brief, the technique works like this. In the morning, spend five minutes deciding what you want to achieve that day. Every hour, spend one minute analysing if you’ve been productive in the hour. In the evening, spend five minutes assessing what you’ve accomplished and learned throughout the day.


POSEC stands for “Prioritising by Organising, Streamlining, Economising and Contributing.” The main aim is to take a closer look at your daily tasks and work out the best way to manage these tasks.

COPE Technique

Developed by productivity expert Peggy Duncan.
C – Clear Goals,
O – Organise everything,
P – Prioritise tasks, and
E – Efficiently finish priority tasks.

Eisenhower Matrix or Covey’s Management Grid

Inspiration from this comment “What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important” traced back to Dwight Eisenhower 34th president of the United States.

Eisenhower Matrix or Urgent-Important Matrix helps you decide on and priority of tasks by their urgency and importance. Enabling you to identify less urgent and important tasks which you could delegate or not do at all.

Stephen Covey adapted this method in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People helps you make quick decisions.

Urgent and Important: Action as a priority.
Important but Not Urgent: Schedule to do later.
Urgent but Not Important: Interruptions Delegate.
Not Urgent and Not Important: Delete distraction from important tasks.

A-B-C Method

Grouping tasks into categories is similar to the Eisenhower method. Take your to-do list and assign it to an appropriate category and then prioritise tasks with numbers. e.g A1, A2, B1, C1

A = important and urgent
B = important but not urgent
C = not important and not urgent

5S & Lean Manufacturing

Japanese systematic organisation process began by Toyota to increase productivity by improving efficiency. Also the base for Marie Kondo, KonMari organisation techniques.

The 5S is a Japanese term for a set of five techniques used in Japanese manufacturing. It is a practice that involves clearing a workplace of all unnecessary objects.

The method is designed to increase productivity by reducing the time needed to organize a workspace. 

This method is based on the philosophy of minimalism and was developed by Toyota in the 1950s. There are many variants of this technique, which vary by the workplace. In general, it consists of the following steps:

5S checklist process:

  • Seiri – Sort – This step includes throwing out or donating all items that do not belong in the workspace.
  • Seiton – Set in order – This step includes putting away items that can be moved elsewhere.
  • Seiso – Shine – Clean and Tidy
  • Seiketsu – Standardise – Moving items to their proper places.
  • Shitsuke – Sustain – Keeping items where they are most useful and easily at hand.

KonMari Method Checklist

Triage Technique

Invented during the Napoleonic war to prioritise injuries and sickness still used in hospitals now to decide most in need of attention.

  • Important but not urgent
  • Unimportant
  • Immediate action

Pareto Analysis

The pareto principle is also known as the 80/20 Rule. Time versus Result based on Pareto Principle where the idea that roughly 80% of the effects (outcomes) come from 20% of the causes (inputs).

Analyse data, identify and list frequent problems or causes in a process then prioritise the 20% that will produce the best results. Consider creating a Pareto Principle Chart.

ABCDE Method

This method focusing prioritising as the key to productivity and better time management. How do you start? – a to-do list.

Create a to-do list then assess how important each task is. Assign a letter to each task: A, B, C, D or E, according to their priority. ‘A’ for the most important tasks and ‘E’ for tasks with the lowest priority.

Ivy Lee Method

Ivy Lee method is about only setting yourself 6 tasks to do

Parkinsons Law

Parkinson’s Law – Work and projects expand to fill the time you have allocated.

Time Management is an Ongoing Process

Ultimately, managing your time or time management for teams is an ongoing process. Needing to be evaluated daily, monthly, even yearly. Allowing you to analyse whether you’re spending your time wisely and in ways that get you to achieve your goals and make you happy.

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