Business Processes, Procedures and Policies Checklist

2 Min Read
Business Processes, Procedures and Policies Checklist

Business processes, procedures and policies which establish to define the rules of conduct, how decisions are made and what actions will be taken. 

Define behaviour and detail the responsibilities of both management and employees. These are generally put together by human resources and they create a HR Policies and Procedures that outline how things should be done.

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What is the Differences: Processes, Procedure and Policies

Policy: Guidelines – To guide actions.

Process: Steps of Activity –  Steps taken in order to achieve a certain end goal

Procedure: Detailed Instructions – The official way of doing something.

Business Processes, Procedures and Policies Checklist

Define detailed responsibilities
Dismissal Procedures

Process of Dismissal needs to follow set procedures to end an employee’s contract fairly.


Disciplinary procedure formal way to deal with an employee’s misconduct.

Used when concerns are raised about employees work, conduct or absence.

Sick Pay

Money paid to employees if they are sick and unable to work.

Holiday Entitlement

Statutory leave entitlement or annual leave

Set out how much holiday leave is available to employees. The minimum allowance by law and any additional offered more than this.

Grievance Procedures

Grievence policy sets out the steps that should be followed to resolve any grievance.

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy document sets out ways information is gathered, used, disclosed, and manages a customer / client’s data.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy that sets out how you ensure the workplace is a safe working environment.

Data Protection

How you protect data, how your store it and for how long.

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation – Businesses are required to protect the personal data and privacy of European Citizens.

Business procedures and policies are there to protect both business and workers rights. Have clear workplace policies and procedures which are designed to help determine all major decisions and actions.

Make sure they are all compliant with the law, legislation and relevant regulations.

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