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Bug Out Bag Checklist

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Bug Out Bag Checklist

Bug out bag (BOB) portable backpack that contains critical items that would help you survive for up to 72 hours. 

This is an essential piece of equipment for any prepper in a major event.

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Emergency survival kit to allow you to survive in the event of an apocalypse.

Don’t carry too much weight you might need to be able to travel a number of miles on your back.

Bug Out Bag Checklist

Portable backpack that contains critical items
Water and Hydration

Hydration is high priority the body can only survive 72 hours without water.

Water purification tablets and water filter.

Rehydration salts.

Food and Utensils

Maximum calories and nutritional value in small lightweight packaging.

Nothing that needs more than boiling water to prepare. Dehydrated, freeze-dried food, Energy bars.


Lightweight and extra warm clothes, hats, gloves, socks, thermal, waterproof clothing.

Spare set of clothes in case of nuclear attack as you will need to change clothes and seal away.

Lighting and Heat

Torch / headlamp with spare batteries. Candles.

Matches, lighter and flint to light fires.

First Aid and Health

Include the basics for pain relief and treating wounds. Daily medication.

Radiation emergencies – Potassium iodide can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland.

Hygiene wipes, hand sanitizer, toothpaste and soap.

Mask and Personal Protection

Protect your lungs from contaminants using protective mask / respirator.

Googles to cover your eyes.

Shelter and Sleeping

Protection from the elements and enable you to maintain your core temperature. Examples: emergency shelter, hammock, bivvy.

Sleeping bag, bag liner and roll mat.

Tools and Navigation

Multi tool, pen knife,

Compass and map of the area.

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